Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Took some time off and used it to do some thinking....

Now, since my CFT about a week ago, I've realized that I really want to work on getting stronger. Therefore, I'm going to go against the usual CrossFit way for a while and do the whole Starting Strength thing. They say each person is unique and their responses to exercise are all different, so I'm considering this my personal experiment. I may succeed where others have failed.

So here's the lowdown...

I've set up my schedule to take advantage of the gym at the fire station and also incorporated one MetCon workout a week. I'll be doing a 3-on/1-off schedule. Day 1 will be SS workout A (Squat, Press, Deadlift/Power Clean alternate each workout, Pull-ups), Day 2 will be a MetCon that doesn't interfere with my strength gains and recovery (like Angie, anything with a lot of burpees, etc.), once a month I'll replace the MetCon with a 5K, Day 3 will be workout B (Squat, Bench, Good Morning, heavy Pull-ups), and on my Rest Day I'll do yoga. I may also throw in some yoga on MetCon days. I'll try to get as many calories in a day as possible, but I won't be able to do the gallon of milk a day that Coach Rip recommends since my stomach can't handle it. Instead I'll use other dairy products, especially cottage cheese, in its place. I know I won't achieve optimum results that way, but I want strength, not necessarily size.

I'll be doing this for three months.

Yesterday's workout:
HSPU Challenge Day 6 - 6 HSPU


Squat - 45#x5x3, 65#x5x2, 85#x5, 95#x5, 115#x5, 135#x5, 155#x5x3
Press - 45#x5x2, 55#x5, 75#x5, 85#x5, 95#x5, 105#x5x3
Deadlift - 115#x5x3, 135#x5, 185#x5, 225#x5, 245#x5
Pull-up - 12x3 (sets 1&2 strict, set 3 kipping)

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Nice blog. I have done something similar my self with the strength sessions. At the moment I am only doing two dedicated strength sessions a week but it has made a hell of difference to my strenght and other crossfit work outs.

I am keen to follow your progress to see if it is worth while changing to three.

Keep up the good work