Sunday, December 28, 2008

Little Behind...

WOD 122308:
Pull-up Challenge Day 12 - 12 Pull-ups

HPC Warmup 3x5 @45#

Hang Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
Weighted Pull-up 1-1-1-1-1

30#/40/50/60/70 (PR)


Haven't worked out in a few days due to 1. travel and time with my daughter, and 2. pure laziness (especially yesterday, rest day #4). I have to make up for Pull-up days 13-17...that's 75 pull-ups to make up today. I think I'll hit up JT today, since I'm already doing so many pull-ups. Either that or something quick and easy, like 100 burpees for time. I'll decide later. For now I need to get to those pull-ups, and try to keep up better, since I'll also be taking on the 50 day HSPU challenge starting the 1st of the year. Also starting the 1st will be the cleaning up of my diet. I'm tired of bonking on metcons and just not getting the results I want with ME lifts, so I'm going to try to stick as close to the Paleo diet as I can.

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