Tuesday, December 2, 2008

WOD 120108: Yesterday at the Station

They decided to start redoing the walls in our computer room at work, so now I can’t post my times or loads except on my off days…

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Front Squat: 105#-115#-135#-155#-175#(PR!)

Press 95#-105#-115#-125#-130#(Fail)-115#-115#

Shoulder strength is still lacking. For some reason I’ve shown no progress at all with the Press in the last month…

I'll post today's workout later...gotta go back to base so I'll be able to finally get 'Lynne' knocked out. I think I may go 4 days this time to make up for the extra day I took for my back. Those deadlifts are calling my name :)

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