Thursday, December 11, 2008

Must punish myself...

For being lazy yesterday. I also didn't work out the day before, but that was for a legitimate body was telling me it needed more rest. Yesterday I chose to eat like sh!t all day, so I was in no shape to work out. Today I'll make up for it though. I'll post about today's WOD later.

I'm also starting my own personal pull-up challenge. It'll be a 100--day challenge where I'll do 1 pull-up on day 1, 2 on day 2, 53 on day 53, etc. I'm allowed to miss days, but I'll have to make those pull-ups up the next day along with the ones I'll have to do for the current day. This isn't unlike most BrandX challenges...but here's the twist. I'm adding a 20 lb. weight vest for every single pull-up, and if I have my rings up, I'll be doing weighted RING pull-ups. Warm-up and WOD pull-ups DO NOT count. I may need medical attention near the end of this =P

Today is day 1. 1x 20# ring pull-up. WOO!

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