Friday, December 12, 2008

WOD 121208

Today was punishment day for taking such a long break.

-This morning-

Personal Pull-up Challenge Day 2:
2x +20# ring pull-ups

Played with rings a bit:
2x 15 Ring Push-ups
2x 5 Ring Flyes

-This evening-

3x 3min rounds on heavy bag

'The Magic 30'
3 round for time:
5 30# One-arm DB snatches per arm
5 30# One-arm DB swings per arm
10 Burpees


Cash out:
50 Pull-ups
50 K2E

I decided to go with this lovely little workout because it thoroughly thrashes was originally supposed to be 5 rounds to equal 50 reps of each exercise, but I scaled it so I could get as much intensity as I could out of it. Starting to do the buy-in/cash out thing too.

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