Thursday, December 18, 2008


As per our department's Combat Challenge team coach, I will be using a few CrossFit benchmarks plus some lifts and such to measure how well I'll do for the team tryouts in Spring. I have about 4 months to prepare for the tryouts...after 3 I'll hit all the benchmark workouts in the same order as I'll be doing them this time around, and then I'll compare results. This will be more to show the coach that I have the dedication to training that he requires of everyone on the team than for the actual tryouts. I'll be doing a CFT, Angie, Fran, Diane, Elizabeth, Murph, JT, 1 1/2 mile run, Clean 1RM, Snatch 1RM (not in that particular order). I'll use the same scaling for workouts that require it, regardless of whether I moved up a level during the next 3 months. I'll have to set a couple aside for now, since I still can't deadlift, but I plan on having them all done hopefully within the next two weeks.

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