Saturday, December 20, 2008

KO'd by the cold...

Hopefully I'll be back on my feet in time to drive down to AK on Wednesday...might even do a couple bodyweight WODs while I'm down there. But for now I'm down for the count. I hate drastic temperature went from 30F yesterday morning to highs of 8F today. Ridiculous. I'll have to set aside my benchmark efforts until this freakin' bug goes away.

I saw the greatest quote on the BrandX forum a minute ago:

"So, i’ve come to a conclusion. My brother who’s in Army Special Forces, and myself have been reading and doing Muscle and Fitness for several years. I’ve only done Crossfit for 2 days. But I’m not that slow and I think I’ve figured it out. Muscle and Fitness is kind of like jogging to Baskin Robbins for an ice cream cone and Crossfit is like punching a hole through the Earth all the way to Hell and fighting 50 demons by yourself with no weapons and no armor… on an empty stomach."


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