Thursday, January 8, 2009

Starting Strength Day 2

I had to miss the MetCon I planned on doing yesterday due to personal reasons. Luckily I had to go
to the station today anyway, so I knocked out my workout this morning.

HSPU Challenge Day 8 - 8 consecutive HSPU


Squat - 45#x5x3, 65#x5x2, 85#x5, 95#x5, 135#x5, 165#x5x3
Bench - 45#x5x2, 65#x5, 85#x5, 95#x5, 135#x5, 155#x5, 165#x5x3
Good Morning - 45#x10x3
Heavy Pull-up - +30#x5x3

I'm continuing to do the standard CrossFit warm-up for now, because it works well to get my body significantly warm to start my warm-up sets.

I'm a little intrigued at how imbalanced my body is right now...squatting as much as I bench, but pulling a significant amount more than both. It will eventually even itself out, since I'll get stronger on the squat much faster than I will on the bench, and my pull strength will be the slowest to develop (it's taken me years to get to the point I'm at the detriment of the areas I used to neglect). I just wish I could do the gallon of milk a day, since that would produce optimum results...

Tomorrow will be either a 3/4 Angie or 150 burpees for time, depending on how much time I'll have for it, plus a yoga workout in the evening.

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