Sunday, January 11, 2009

Yesterday: SS Day 3

Yesterday was HSPU day 10 - 10 consecutive HSPU
I'm damn proud of that. Before I started focusing more on strength and, of course, before I started this challenge I could barely get 95 lbs. over my head, and I couldn't muster more than 6 that's more proof that this program can work for pure, functional strength!

Anyway, I digress...


Squat - 45x5x3, 65x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 175x5x3
Press - 45x5x2, 55x5, 75x5, 85x5, 95x5, 110x5x3
Power Clean - 45x5x3 (hang), 95x5 (hang), 105x5 (hang), 115x5 (full), 135x5x3 (full)
Pull-ups - 10x3 (sets 1&2 strict, 3 kipping)

I still feel like I can go heavier on squats...not just because I'm improving and able to add ten lbs. each workout, but I'm just not going heavy enough to begin with. It's a mental barrier that I have to work through. My press strength is building quickly, which is a surprise since I've always had trouble strengthening my shoulders. The power clean needs work. My form is acceptable, but I'm not nearly aggressive enough. Instead of yanking the bar up and dropping under it, I'm trying to pull it up into position without actually trying to get under. Overall I'm pleased with my strength gains after just a week on the program. Hopefully I'll continue to get stronger at this rate for the full three months.

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