Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yesterday: SS Day 6

HSPU Day 16 - 16 done (9-7)

Decided to do a little extra yesterday, since today is my rest day...mostly worked on pull-up strength, since I'm trying to work up to a one-arm pull-up.

Squat - 45x5x3, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x5, 210x5x3
Bench - 45x5x3, 65x5, 95x5, 135x5, 155x5, 175x5x3
Weighted Knee Raises - 25x5, 30x5, 35x5
Plank - 2:00
Russian Twist Empty Bar x10, +25# 10x3
- Side-to-side - 8x2
- Rope Assists (one hand on bar, one on rope...hand on rope pulls as little as possible) - 3x2/arm
- "Frenchies" (a negative plus three static holds at various angles) - x5

Squat: It appears my improvements may be slowing just a bit, because after adding ten more pounds, i was just barely able to get through the last couple reps of my last work set. Coach Rip says to continue adding ten lbs until you aren't able to get the last couple reps, so I'll keep going up in ten lb intervals for now. I hope I'm not starting to slow down already...but it may just be because I'm taking fewer rest days than Rip suggests. I'll keep going for now, and in about a week I'll go back and reassess my approach.

Bench: Bench strength is still progressing nicely. Hopefully after another two weeks or so, I'll have balanced my bench and pull-up strengths. I completed this one feeling like I still could have done more weight. Then I watched as our Combat Challenge team captain/coach used my work set weight as his warmup weight =/...haha. That just means I'll have to push even harder if I plan on making the team in May.

Everything else I did yesterday was stuff to work on other areas, especially core strength and working toward getting a one-arm pull-up. I'm closer than I thought, but I still have some work to do before I'm able to do that one.

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