Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yesterday: SS Day 5

HSPU Day 14 - 14 done (9-5)


Squat - 45x5x3, 65x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 200x5x3
Press - 45x5x3, 55x5, 75x5, 85x5, 95x5, 110x5x3
Deadlift - 135x5x3, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 275x5
Pull-ups - 10x3 (2 sets strict, 1 set kipping)

Squat: Didn't feel good about another 10 lb jump yesterday, but I decided to try to grind though it anyway. Warm-up did nothing but cement my apprehension because I felt gassed before I even started to get close to my work sets. I kept driving through though, and managed to grind out those work sets. Form was a little wonky first three reps on my last work set, but I corrected and managed to squeeze the last two reps out with perfect form. I'll try to add another 10 lbs next workout, but I may have to go with smaller jumps.

Press: This one was upsetting. Warm-up sets went fine, but I planned on moving up to 115 lbs for my work sets. I managed to get it up twice, and then failed on5 the third I had to move back to 110. Which means no progress. Not happy about that. I'm going to switch it up and do push presses next time, and see if that stimulates growth/strength.

Deadlift: I was incredibly happy with this one. I added 30 lbs from my last workout. My legs were tired from grinding through the squats, though, and I really felt it during my work set. Everyone in the gym stopped and watched, probably because of my screaming each rep (haha, it's pretty motivating) and applauded when I finished my last rep. I'm glad I work out at the station gym, otherwise that might have been enough to get me thrown out of a Globo.

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