Monday, January 19, 2009

It's just like me not to finish things...

but I've come to the conclusion that doing a Starting Strength cycle without doing some of the important things like drinking a gallon of milk a day and eating 7,000 calories a day (I'm just skimming 5,000 as it is...I wouldn't be able to keep down an extra 2,000) won't get me measurable enough results to really make this program worth it on a purely strength-focused level, let alone a bulking-focused one. As usual, Garddawg (Jeff Martin, Brand X) was's better to just stick to CrossFit and I'll get stronger through its constant variation. This routine is already getting boring, anyway...and I haven't done as many MetCons as I planned to, because I've been too focused on getting heavier lifts. I'm sure that's had a negative effect on my endurance. Therefore, I'll be starting back with CF starting tomorrow...and in order to continue getting PR's on my lifts, I'll add ME work and form practice after the WODs. Plus those constant heavy squats are starting to aggravate my back. Soooo...tomorrow will be the re-start of my strict CrossFit adherence!

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