Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yesterday WOD 012009

HSPU Day 20 - 20 full HSPU (9-7-4)

Buy-In - Bench 5-5-5 (165, 170, 175PR!)

WOD: Pull-up Variations (Pack Scale)
10 RFT of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups, 35 lbs
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-ups

Time: 13:40 (only completed 5 rounds)
Sets: 11

Cash out: OHS Multi 95#x13

This was horrible. As you can see, I only got halfway through the WOD. We got a call, so I had to stop, and by the time we got back I wouldn't have had time to complete I just finished by doing as many OHS as possible w/ 95lbs. This WOD was upsetting though...I can knock out 35 kipping pull-ups, 18 strict, +70lb singles, and 3x5 w/ +40lbs...but I was having a LOT of trouble with this workout. Seems my pull-ups aren't quite as strong as I thought they were, and my grip strength NEEDS work. Oh well, I'll just consider it a learning experience and move on.

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