Sunday, December 28, 2008
Little Behind...
Pull-up Challenge Day 12 - 12 Pull-ups
HPC Warmup 3x5 @45#
Hang Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
Weighted Pull-up 1-1-1-1-1
30#/40/50/60/70 (PR)
Haven't worked out in a few days due to 1. travel and time with my daughter, and 2. pure laziness (especially yesterday, rest day #4). I have to make up for Pull-up days 13-17...that's 75 pull-ups to make up today. I think I'll hit up JT today, since I'm already doing so many pull-ups. Either that or something quick and easy, like 100 burpees for time. I'll decide later. For now I need to get to those pull-ups, and try to keep up better, since I'll also be taking on the 50 day HSPU challenge starting the 1st of the year. Also starting the 1st will be the cleaning up of my diet. I'm tired of bonking on metcons and just not getting the results I want with ME lifts, so I'm going to try to stick as close to the Paleo diet as I can.
Monday, December 22, 2008
WOD 122208 "Cindy"
11 consecutive strict pull-ups (discarded the idea of using 20# extra weight pretty much just so I don't end up injuring myself)
3x3 Rounds Heavy Bag
CFWUx2 (minus pull-ups and dips)
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
10 rounds + 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 squats
5x max reps HSPU
Still not fully recovered from whatever that bug was that I came down with, so this was harder than it should have been...I was having a bit of trouble breathing (well, more than the usual metcon-induced hyperventilations). Could have finished the 11th round, but my buddy who was timing me yelled "STOP!!!" so loud I fell on me arse and couldn't get back up until it was too late.
Yesterday - Heavy Squat Day!
Still caught up. We'll see how long that lasts.
CFWU x 2
OHS 5-5-5-5-5
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1
50 K2E
OHS - 65#/95/100/105/115 (PR!)
FS - 95/115/135/165/170 (PR!!)
BS - 135/185/205/215 (PR!)/225 (F)
Getting better at OHS, but I'm still having trouble keeping the weight balanced my shoulder strength was a bit of a detractor. Front squat form was perfect, but wrist flexibility was a problem.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
KO'd by the cold...
I saw the greatest quote on the BrandX forum a minute ago:
"So, i’ve come to a conclusion. My brother who’s in Army Special Forces, and myself have been reading and doing Muscle and Fitness for several years. I’ve only done Crossfit for 2 days. But I’m not that slow and I think I’ve figured it out. Muscle and Fitness is kind of like jogging to Baskin Robbins for an ice cream cone and Crossfit is like punching a hole through the Earth all the way to Hell and fighting 50 demons by yourself with no weapons and no armor… on an empty stomach."
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Back in the game...WOD 121808
Made up days 4, 5, & today's seven = 22 pull-ups (no rings, no weight)
18 of those were consecutive...and strict! That's a new PR.
3x 3 minute rounds on the heavy bag (fists & elbows only until the hip stops hurting)
2 rounds:
8 Pistols/leg
30 Mini med ball slams (8#)
10 Supermans
20 K2E
Modified Lynne
5 rounds max reps:
Ring Push-ups
23/25, 20/20, 17/17, 13/17, 12/16
Cash out:
Sledgehammer swings (similar to clubbell swings)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dammit winter! You foil me again!
We'll see how I feel tomorrow...maybe I can knock out some split jerks.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Rest Day
Sunday, December 14, 2008
WOD 121408
3x 3 min rounds on the heavy bag
5 rounds for time:
30# DB lunge, 10 alternating steps
30# DB swing, 15 reps
50 K2E
I really need to spring for a couple more pairs of dumbbells…all i have are 60# and 30# pairs right now. I felt really good through the whole thing, though I need to work on my swing form a bit…didn’t stay tight enough and felt it way too much in my lower back.
Yesterday: WOD 121308
3 Pull-ups (no weight, no rings)
Clean & Jerk Practice
95#, 95, 115, 115
3 rounds for time:
20" Box Jumps, 25 reps
115# Deadlift, 21 reps
15 Pull-ups
Still not very strong on the C&J, but I've pretty much gotten the form down. I wasn't planning on scaling down so much for the WOD, but I could tell before I even went into the weight room that I wouldn't make it through a higher scaling. Still bonked at the beginning of the third round, but I got my second wind halfway through the deadlifts and finished strong.
Friday, December 12, 2008
WOD 121208
-This morning-
Personal Pull-up Challenge Day 2:
2x +20# ring pull-ups
Played with rings a bit:
2x 15 Ring Push-ups
2x 5 Ring Flyes
-This evening-
3x 3min rounds on heavy bag
'The Magic 30'
3 round for time:
5 30# One-arm DB snatches per arm
5 30# One-arm DB swings per arm
10 Burpees
Cash out:
50 Pull-ups
50 K2E
I decided to go with this lovely little workout because it thoroughly thrashes was originally supposed to be 5 rounds to equal 50 reps of each exercise, but I scaled it so I could get as much intensity as I could out of it. Starting to do the buy-in/cash out thing too.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Must punish myself...
I'm also starting my own personal pull-up challenge. It'll be a 100--day challenge where I'll do 1 pull-up on day 1, 2 on day 2, 53 on day 53, etc. I'm allowed to miss days, but I'll have to make those pull-ups up the next day along with the ones I'll have to do for the current day. This isn't unlike most BrandX challenges...but here's the twist. I'm adding a 20 lb. weight vest for every single pull-up, and if I have my rings up, I'll be doing weighted RING pull-ups. Warm-up and WOD pull-ups DO NOT count. I may need medical attention near the end of this =P
Today is day 1. 1x 20# ring pull-up. WOO!
Monday, December 8, 2008
WOD 120808
Just for fun I did a 5-mile march, loaded w/ ~70# (20# flak vest and ~50# pack). Jogged a good mile of it. Didn’t time it though…
Warm-up - 2x 50 jumping jacks & 10 ab wheel rollouts
AMRAP in 15 min.
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Back Ext. (due to lack of a GHD, I had to settle for a stability ball)
6 rounds
For the past 20 minutes I've been chanting 'keepitdownkeepitdownkeepitdown...'Yesterday, WOD 120608
21-15-9 For time:
Thrusters (scaled to 45#)
20x 35# Turkish Getups (10 per side)
Really thought I'd get a better time than that with just 45#...shows how much more intensity I need to add to my MetCons. I'm glad to be back in it though, after three days off.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Horrible, horrible, horrible...
Still cleaning up the diet slowly. I'm eating better, more balanced meals now, with as little emphasis on grains, beans, and potatoes as possible. I'll eat some here and there, just because I have it and don't want to waste it. I can already feel the difference, though, between my clean days and my not-so-clean days.
Oh, and apparently, just by looking at me, my massage therapist said I'm about 6% body fat. O_O WOW! It's been quite a while since I've had my BMI measured, but that's incredible...last I had it checked I was somewhere around 10%. Shows how effective CrossFit is. Now I just need to start making more gains in the VO2 and strength/strength endurance areas.
Shameful, yes...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Yesterday's WOD
Deadlift warmup 2x15 @ 135#
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
295# (PR!)
Yesterday was supposed to be my rest day, but I really felt like I should work out anyway, since I was already at the station. I’m getting so close to double bodyweight I can almost taste it!
Today, I'm planning on loading for bear (relax, it's just a figger of speech), and doing a heavy hike. And maybe some yoga later this afternoon. Supposed to be a rest day, and I probably shouldn't do a damn thing, since I did a four-day cycle, instead of my usual three...but to hell with it. I'm still young, so I need to keep on movin!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Random Insertion of Deep Thought *GASP!*
Me - 1
Shirt - 0
In other news, my weight vest is still MIA somewhere in Germany, and they won't let me take any of the vests from the station anymore. It's upsetting, and I'm going to need to find another way to do uber-loaded hikes...
WOD 120208
2x8 Bench @ 135#
5 Rounds M ax Reps
Bodyweight Bench (weight scaled to 155#)
7/24, 6/18, 5/16, 4/16, 4/11
Not bad, if I do say so myself (wait, I just did...). Minor gains and I had a really good day to boot. Last time I did "Lynne" was less than two weeks ago: 6/23, 7/15, 5/11, 5/9, 4/9
My pull-ups were especially stronger this time. I'm thinking about strapping a 20# weight vest on for the pull-ups next time it comes around =]
WOD 120108: Yesterday at the Station
They decided to start redoing the walls in our computer room at work, so now I can’t post my times or loads except on my off days…
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Front Squat: 105#-115#-135#-155#-175#(PR!)
Press 95#-105#-115#-125#-130#(Fail)-115#-115#
Shoulder strength is still lacking. For some reason I’ve shown no progress at all with the Press in the last month…
I'll post today's workout later...gotta go back to base so I'll be able to finally get 'Lynne' knocked out. I think I may go 4 days this time to make up for the extra day I took for my back. Those deadlifts are calling my name :)