Saturday, February 14, 2009

Got a little behind in my posting...


Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


That was one hell of a push. Er...pull. My form started wonky on that last rep, but I managed to fix it mid-pull.


CFWUx2, HSPU instead of dips

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
135#/145/155/165/175 (failed 2nd rep)

This was slightly upsetting. I’ve had almost no progress on either Front or Back Squats for the past two months…well, besides the huge 1 rep PR I got on the CFT. Other than that, I've been unable to get stronger.


Andrew said...

Well done on the Deadlifts, 355# has been my max for a while. I am felling the same frustration that you must be for your squats.

Keep up the good work.

The Infidel said...

Thanks man. Those squats have been haunting me for a little while now...but it may have to do more with my form than anything. We shall see next time I do ME squats...