Monday, February 16, 2009

So I've been a bit lazy lately...

But I'm getting back on the wagon today. Part of it was the need to recover from the combination of consecutive ME days and other work stuff, but there was a laziness factor in there.

HSPU Day 47 (16!!-11-12-8)

3 Rounds:
5 Kettlebell Snatches per arm - 1 pood

NOON (ish)
CFWUx2 minus pull-ups
AMRAP 15 min:
3 Pull-up
6 Push-up
9 Squat

Rounds: 19

I was going to go all 20 minutes, but around round 11 I started to get this pain right above the back part of my right hip. It felt tight and the pain was dull during the pull-ups and push-ups, and it would get sharper during the squats. It got to the point where it was too painful to do more than 2 squats in a row, so I had to cut the workout short. I've never experienced anything quite like it.

...and now, the pain has all but gone away. What the heck?!

Handstand work
L-sit holds on rings

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