Sunday, February 8, 2009

Austere, Heavy, and Horrible

HSPU day 39 (10-10-10-9)

Wasn't able to get to base today, and I didn't want to do the same standby bodyweight workouts I usually do in this I decided to do something I've been wanting to try for quite a while now...a workout I found while going through the CrossFit videos called "Eva T's Austere Heavy Workout." I had to make a couple changes and do some scaling to keep the right intensity and make it work for the equipment I have available.


2 rounds for time:
6 Heavy Bag Cleans to Shoulder - 85#
12 Towel Pull-ups
6 Turkish Getups + 2 One-Arm Snatches per TGU - 30# Dumbbell

Time: 8:30

I hit it hard, but not hard enough. Next time I may scale up to the reps Eva did in the video, because, while intense, that was clearly not enough.

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