Wednesday, February 18, 2009

WOD 021809

HSPU day 49 (17!-15-11-6)
One day left! I think I'm going to try for 20 consecutive HSPU about a week or two after the challenge is over, just to satisfy my ego. Haha

CFWUx2 minus dips

Back Squat 5-5-5
1.195# 2.205 3.210x4 (failed last rep)

5 rounds for time:
95# Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 10 reps
10 Ring Dip

Time: 5:56

Dahyumm!! That was a great time for the WOD. I'm impressed with my own awesomeness! Haha...

Squats, though...I'm only marginally satisfied with the progress. It's better than I've been doing. I'll stay at 210 for my 3x5's until I can complete that last rep.

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