Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yesterday: Front Squats

Burgener WU
And a little squat clean practice

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
115/135/165/175/180 (PR)

3 rounds max rep chin-up (strict, c2b):

Finally some squat progress! Even though I'm really more interested in getting my back squat up, I know progress in the front squat will help me work toward that goal. By the last set I was still feeling good, but I'm starting to incorporate some of the stuff from CFSB now, so it'll be easier to start this summer...namely, in this instance, walking away after I hit a new PR. I felt good and could have possibly done one extra set and gotten a bigger PR, but it wouldn't have meant much and I would have risked overdoing it. 5lbs is plenty good.

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