Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So I took a trip down to Arkansas over the weekend thinking I'd be able to knock out a few bodyweight workouts when I had time. Of course, I was too busy visiting with people and spending time with my daughter so I wasn't able to get around to it. Then I had a long, late drive back to the house, and didn't get home until after 2am...and I had to be up for work at 5. So I was just too exhausted to get a workout in yesterday. But the rest was good for me...I felt really good going into today's WOD.

Still up to date with HSPUs, just don't feel like posting them all...Day 35 (10-9-10-6)

WOD 020409
30 Muscle-ups for time

(BrandX Porch/Packish scaling)
90 Pull-ups
90 Ring Dips


I have a peculiar situation when it comes to muscle up workouts. I have rings, but I have absolutely no place to hang them that's high enough to do muscle ups. I do have a pull-up bar, so what I do is bar pull-ups and ring dips...most reps are kipping, of course.

Shoulders were FRIED. The dips were especially killer...I'm chalking it up to the HSPU challenge, but it's also an effect of not stretching enough. About halfway through I lost the ability to do full range dips, and I had a lot of trouble locking out.

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